Click here to see this collection in detail. Like I said- It's FABRITASTIC!
Main Entry: fab-ric-TAS-tic
Pronunciation: or \'fa-brik-TAZ-tik|
Function: adjective
Etymology: Nashville Tennessee, from the southern language of a certain blonde Danish fabrista. Dates back to the early 21st century.
1 a: cloth that is marked as eccentric, fancy, whimsical or excellent.
1 b: material having qualities with unrestrained quilting, crafting or other decorative value.1 c: textile with unbelievable individuality.
synonyms: fantastic, wonderful, fancy, whimsical, delightful, excellent, just plain ol' pretty
\'fa-brik-taz-tik-lee\ - the act of being fabritastic
I love this fabric. Working on crayon tote with this colorful fabric