If you are in the market for nursery fabric in the next few months, Lily and Will is for you. Outside of the Charm Packs, the precuts come in colorways. Pink, Blue and Green. Get your Charm Packs now though and see the fabric in it's glory. VERY CUTE!
Halloween Night by Minick and Simpson has arrived at BB as well. Great for any ghoulish project you might have in mind for the up coming season.

Halloween Night by Minick and Simpson has arrived at BB as well. Great for any ghoulish project you might have in mind for the up coming season.
And Finally, French General has released their coordinated holiday home items from the Lumier de Noel collection. Stockings, Advent Calenders and Tree Skirts all in perfect harmony with their fabric collection. See it here!
I just happen to be in the market for nursery fabric; may have to check out this Lily & Will -- it looks darling! :)