Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lesson Learned

Why you should not rely on the fact that your rotary blade is retractable and lock it in the 'closed' position anyway.....

Even when it's resting comfortably on your ironing board prior to leaping off and landing viciously on your foot while you are getting ready for date night. (No...I have no idea why it was sitting on the ironing board or locked in the 'open' position).

So much for those reservations!

Close & lock your blade.


  1. Wow, no fun! Lesson noted :), feel better soon.

  2. at least the toes look cute! I have little ones around the home so I spent a little more and have the rotary blade that automatically goes into "hiding" and uses a good deal of force to get out.

    I hope you can re-do date night minus the er visit!

  3. OUCH!!! But as Lisa said--at least your toes look cute. Hope it heals quickly.

  4. Wow..Who'da thunk??? this I have never seen. I had my scissors jump off my ironing board earlier this week end bounce off my foot. It HURT! but no skin broken!

    Speedy recovery!

  5. Oww, in such a bad spot too. But such a pretty pedicure =) speedy healing.

  6. It happened to me, but I didn't need stitches.... But I still have the scar. Thanks heavens your toes survived!

  7. Oh ouch! Hope it heals fast. Love your polish. ;-)

  8. Oh, Leah!!! Fortunately I've never had to use my foot as an object lesson for my sewing students, but I may use yours in the future! I'm really big on being sure that my rotary cutter is closed and put well out of reach of anyone who isn't intentionally reaching for it - my granddaughter would be just the one to reach up on the counter and say, "Hey, Nana, what's this?"

  9. ouch!!!

    (your toes do look quite pretty though)

  10. Oh Leah, I am so sorry!! Feet are so painful to get shots in, I hope you are feeling better :)

  11. Ouch!!! Thanks for a lesson learned...I'm bad for leaving mine open.

  12. I have cut fingers but never toes. Looks painful. Hope you feel better soon. I always try to close rotary cutter, esp with my son around, but note to self, ALWAYS close blade.

  13. OK, I'll ask. Did you get the pedicure before the vicious attack or before you took the picture of your foot. Inquiring minds want to know. (I like the red polish too.)

  14. So I guess date night was a bust? lol Feel better soon!

  15. That's got to hurt...but I bet the Doc loved looking at those pretty toes!! :o)
    Take care!

  16. Oh No Leah- Ouch- but what a great pedicure. Kathy S.

  17. Nothing like great toenails to make the sutures look better :)

  18. Did ya'll know they don't do pedicures in the ER? They don't- I asked! I offered to pay extra!

  19. ouch. I learned that I should never hang onto a wood chisel when wearing sandals. I dropped one and it sliced off the end of my toe and it was bleeding heavy. I went to work and stood on it for 10 hours. Hopefully your foot feels better quickly.

  20. Ouch! Not a fun learned lesson! But what pretty toes!

  21. You're not alone!!!!

    I did almost exactly the same thing, except that my blade fell one toe to the left.

    I went to the doctor a few days later for an unrelated problem, and they said that I should have gotten stitches.

    I call it my quilting battle scar. :-)

  22. Oh my goodness! I am so sorry you had to learn this lesson the hard way!!!! Thank you for sharing it so I may make double and triple note of it without having to go through it like you have. I sincerely hope you got a raincheck on date night :)
